Dima suki
University of Texas , USA
Dr. Dima Suki completed her PhD from The University of Texas Houston Health Science Center.rnShe is Professor at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in the Department ofrnNeurosurgery, as well as Director of Protocol Development and Data Management, and Co-Directorrnof Clinical Research. She also is adjunct Professor at Baylor College of Medicine, Department ofrnNeurosurgery. Dr. Suki serves on numerous committees, including the Institutional Review Board,rnwhere she is currently Associate Chair. Dr. Suki has over 100 peer-reviewed publications inrnscientific journals and has authored 7 book chapters and books. She serves on editorial advisoryrnboards for several scientific journals.
Abstract : Long-Term Survival in Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme: Frequency and Prognostic Factors